Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is located in Indonesia. It has been in power for 279 years and is one of the greatest kingdoms in Southeast Asia.
We initiated project DEKSA (Digital Ecosystem Karaton Surakarta) to lead the mission to continue this success. Being the first to adopt the latest technology advancement is prove to show that we are also capable to become glorious in the upcoming age.
We will be present in the blockchain and web3 era. Bringing all our richness, stories, arts to the magical world of the digital universe.
Project Deksa
DEKSA: First ever RWA from Real World Kingdom. DEKSA (Digital Ecosystem Karaton Surakarta) being the first to adopt the latest technology advancement to bringing all our richness, stories, arts to the magical world of the digital universe.
ClientKaraton Surakarta HadiningratYear2022AuthorCreaton StudioWebsiteprojectdeksa.comX@projectdeksaShare